Nimtoh (The Invitation)

Plot Summary

In a remote mountain village of Darjeeling, ten years old Tashi and his old grandma live next to a family who helps them to fend their livelihood. Their job is to look after the cardamom orchard at night from the wild animals. The little boy shares a close relationship with the landlady to the extent of sneaking to their secret hideouts in the Cardamom orchard for her to smoke cigarette. At the same time is scared of her husband, as he’s somewhat cold towards Tashi. An approaching wedding event at their patron’s house finds Tashi excited and restless. The grandmother discourages Tashi of any hope of being invited, as they are merely workers. Will they be invited?

Cast & Crew

Writer & Director:

Saurav Rai


Pravesh Gurung – Tashi
Sunil Rai – Landlord-Kaka
Chandra Dewan – Boju-Grandma
Kamala Lepcha – Kaki- Landlord’s Wife
Teresa Rai – Bride
Dig Bijay Singh Rai – Shopkeeper

Cinematography by:

Appu Prabhaka

Film Editing by:

Jishnu Sen

Sound Recording & Design by:

Ankita Purkayasth

Re-Recording Engineer:

Sudeepta Sadhukhan

Background Music & Song Composer:

Lokesh Kanithi


HAF GOES TO CANNES (WIP Projects): Official Selection, 2019
MAMI, 2019: Won Grand Jury Award for Screenwriting in India Gold Section
50th IFFR, 2020: World Premiered in Bright Future Selection

